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Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are studies that involve people and test many types of interventions.

Interested in clinical trials?

What are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are studies that involve people and test many types of interventions including drugs, devices, genetic therapies, natural health products, psychotherapies, and lifestyle and preventative care interventions.

Why are Clinical Trials done?

They are done are done to provide research data, or evidence, about the intervention(s) tested. This evidence helps in deciding what therapies or other interventions might work best for people.

How are Clinical Trials designed?

Clinical trials are designed to answer specific questions about an intervention. They are usually designed by a group of people that can include researchers, doctors, scientists, statisticians, sponsors and patients and caregivers.

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What Brain Cancer Patients Should Know about Clinical Trials

Ashley Adile, an Undergraduate Research Student in Sheila Singh’s Lab, at McMaster University created this video in 2018. This video shares what brain cancer patients should know about Clinical Trials. In a creative and engaging presentation Ashley takes us through what clinical trials entail, who participates and how to get involved.