Stefani’s Story
2021 Youth Education Award Recipient
Stefani D’Amico-Helsdon – Mississauga, ON
Arts, Honours Co-Operative Program at the University of Waterloo
Diagnosed with a Ependymoma at age 11
Generously funded by The Newhouse Family
I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to be a recipient of a Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada Education Award for Young Brian Tumour Survivors.
I am very honoured to be chosen and it means the world to me that I was able to take something negative that I went through and turn it into a positive by helping others who have been in my situation. After going through cancer, I knew that I had a purpose in life that I needed to pursue, and I believe that it was to help others in any way that I can. Volunteering for different non-profit organizations is my passion in life and having received this award truly signifies to me that I am making a difference. This scholarship has also helped me pay for my University education at Waterloo!
Thank you Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada and Newhouse Family.