Congratulations Garrett Oakes
2022 Youth Education Award Recipient
Garrett Oakes – Holmesville, NB
Bachelor of Health, University of New Brunswick
Diagnosed with a Ependymoma at age 2
Generously funded by the Newhouse Family
I was overjoyed upon hearing I received the 2022 Youth Education Award. To receive this award means to me that I am getting closer to achieving my future goals in education and helping others who were in my position. I am positively thrilled and am so grateful to have this opportunity thanks to the generosity of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada and The Newhouse Family. I will strive to be the best I can be and keep my head held high.
Final report – May 2023
My first year at UNB Saint John was awesome. I had the privilege of learning many new things that I believe will help me in my future career, meeting lots of new people and working a new job. I finished the year with a 4.0 GPA and couldn’t be happier. I cannot explain how grateful I am to the Newhouse family, as without their generosity, I don’t believe my year would have gone the way it did.
This scholarship presented me with the opportunity to further my education, and I won’t forget the positive impact that it has had on me. I would like to thank everyone involved and especially the Newhouse family. Have a great summer.