Michele Bliss – Hamilton- Niagara, ON
Michele Bliss first donned her survivor shirt to walk along with Team Dan. She was supporting a local friend living with a brain tumour. The event soon evolved to walking with members of that same team, who subsequently lost their sister to a brain tumour.
“I walk because I want to stop adding names to the list of people for whom I walk,” states Michele. “I walk to raise money and awareness for research that leads to treatments such as immunotherapy. This type of treatment has helped my mom live healthier after her brain surgery and radiation procedures.”
Michele also walks to provide hope and connection for anyone experiencing a brain tumour journey and to remind them that they are not alone.
“Being a volunteer support group facilitator provides an opportunity to give back and make sense of my own journey by trying to make a positive difference for others.” She advocates.
For Michele, there is a profound sense of comfort and unconditional positive regards, from the moment a new member joins.
“People are free to be themselves- to share, to cry, to laugh, to vent, to ask questions or just support each other. My life has been enriched beyond description through the friendships I have developed within the brain tumour community that I now consider family. I walk for and with all of you. Please join us.”
On behalf of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada and the brain tumour community:
Thank you! Michele Bliss!
Learn more about the Brain Tumour Walk and register for the event at www.braintumourwalk.ca!