Anaplastic Astrocytoma
Tumour Characteristics
- The cells of these tumours are moderately fast-growing and less well-defined than a lower grade astrocytoma (Grade I or II)
- Typically diagnosed in adults
- Can occur anywhere in the brain. They are sometimes found in the brainstem, making a histological diagnosis difficult
- Tend to have tentacle-like projections that grow into surrounding tissue, making them difficult to completely remove during surgery
- Tumour cells are not uniform in appearance.
Common symptoms include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Changes in behaviour
- Headaches
- Memory loss
- Seizures
Treatment/Standard of Care
Treatment depends on the location of the tumour and how far it has progressed. Surgery and radiation therapy, with chemotherapy during or following radiation, are the standard treatments for anaplastic astrocytomas. If surgery is not an option, then the physician may recommend radiation and/or chemotherapy.