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For Parents

All Information Sheets are provided for information purposes only, and do not represent advice, an endorsement or a recommendation, with respect to any product, service or business, and/or the claims and properties thereof, by Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. Always consult your health care team if you have questions about your medical care and treatment options.

Talking with your Child / Teen about a Brain Tumour Diagnosis

Helping your child or teen understand a brain tumour diagnosis can help them cope better with treatment. It is important to tell your child / teen the facts about a brain tumour diagnosis and answer questions honestly and with straightforward terms. If you do not give them the facts in words they can understand, they will be left to imagine what is going to happen; these thoughts can often be scarier than the truth.

Read this Information Sheet (PDF)

Helping Your Child Understand What is Happening

Being in the hospital removes a child from the familiar surroundings that often help them feel comfortable, confident and in control. Loss of this control may result in your child feeling confused, worried, scared, withdrawn, frustrated or angry. As your child’s caregiver, there are things that you can do to ease your child’s anxiety.

Read this Information Sheet (PDF)

Your Child's Return to School

School is a big part of a child’s life and plays an important part in returning to a normal routine during and after brain tumour treatment. Attending school can help children feel good about themselves and hopeful for the future.

Read this Information Sheet (PDF)