A.M.A. Horticulture Inc.
Almost twenty years of generous gifts. Since our partnership began in 2002, A.M.A. Horticulture have given over $118,364 to support brain tumour research and patient services.
When Rick Bradt was diagnosed with a brain tumour, he, his wife, Connie, and his father-in-law, Allen Monsma, decided to help make a difference. As the Managing Director of A.M.A. Horticulture Inc., he developed a Cause Marketing relationship with Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. Since the partnership began in 2002, A.M.A. Horticulture have given over $118,364 to support brain tumour research and the organization’s patient services, and are determined to hit the $150,000 mark.
A.M.A. Horticulture contributes a portion of the sale of each specially printed Al’s Flower Pouch® to Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. Each year, thousands of the Al’s Flower Pouches sold in Canada are printed with the organization’s logo and contact information to help patients and their families find information about their condition, a problem encountered by Rick, following his brain tumour diagnosis. Since the partnership began, more than 1,000,000 flower pouches have been printed with Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s logo!
In 2020, A.M.A. became Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s very first hashtag sponsor, donating 27 cents to the organization for every #BrainTumourWalk that was posted for the Virtual Brain Tumour Walk on June 27.
Photo: Connie and Rick Bradt present a cheque to Susan Marshall and Suzanne Fratschko-Elliott, November 2019.
“Since my own brain tumour diagnosis, I’ve felt that getting information into patients’ hands is important. Knowing our Flower Pouch is seen across Canada, it offers a good opportunity to put Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s name in front of thousands of people for virtually no cost. Using the pouch to raise funds was a logical next step. I’ve since learned that there are other brain tumour related projects that require funding and support. We’re proud to be a part of the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada family.”
Thank you A.M.A. Horticulture and Al’s Flower Pouch® for your ongoing support and special friendship.