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My Community Fundraiser

With the following information and these simple steps you can organize a successful event.

Register your event!

Register your event in a few easy steps through our Your Way platform. If you require additional support for your event, contact Eileen at or 1-800-265-5106 ext. 224.

Plan your event

A plan gives structure to your event, allows you to create a strategy, and helps you identify the specific tasks that need to be completed to make the event a success. These steps can help you plan a successful event.

Decide what type of event is right for you

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who will most likely attend my event?
  • What kind of event would I like to attend?
  • How can I attract my target audience?
  • What am I capable of doing?
  • How much time do I or my fellow volunteers have?
  • What kinds of resources do I have or require for a successful event?

Set a Fundraising Goal

Since the purpose of fundraising is to generate profit, it is important to consider how much money needs to be invested in order for your event to run, and if the amount is achievable. To do this, you should:

  • Outline a realistic budget with all costs associated with running your event
  • Determine how you will generate revenue – sponsors, ticket sales, pledges, auction or raffles, etc.
  • Find out if you can retain sponsors to help absorb or lower costs to your event

Choose a Date

Take into consideration how much time you need to plan your event and remember your target audience when deciding the event time and date.

  • Are there any other events happening that time in your city?
  • Will your event fall on any holidays?
  • Is your venue available for that date?

Recruit Help

One of the decisions you need to make is, “do I want to this alone?” If your event involves a bit more planning and requires volunteer support, you should consider recruiting other volunteers to form an organization committee.

  • Establish a planning committee
  • You can ask friends, family, co-workers, or others whom you think might enjoy getting involved with the event
  • Appoint a ‘chair’ to oversee the committee and to delegate specific tasks so that everyone can have a role in the project

Consider the Logistics of the Event

Each event can present their own challenges on the big day, so planning is key to success. A few tips to staying organized are:

  • Create a timeline and task list for the day of the event
  • Consider deadlines if you require insurance, permits, or licences
  • Confirm if your venue is wheelchair accessible
  • Check with your municipality for by-laws and regulations
  • Determine the best date and time to meet with your volunteers on the day of the event
  • Contact and confirm all contracts (including venue, speakers, presenters, entertainment, sponsors, etc.) and communicate frequently with all involved regarding their role in the upcoming event
  • Plan and map out the program agenda
  • Coordinate and oversee the selection of a theme, the design, production and distribution printed items (i.e., invitations, agendas, brochures, special materials, and related mailings)
  • Identify your event’s equipment needs and establish: Who? Needs What? Where?
  • Verify venue layout requirements; arrange for support to complete set-up & tear-down
  • Do your best to anticipate the needs of your guests

How can we help you?

Your support for the 27 Canadians diagnosed with a brain tumour every day, with your community event is so important. You are making an impact on brain tumour survivors and families while also raising awareness about the disease.

To help you with your event, we are pleased to offer a number of supports to you and your event. Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada may provide your event with the following supports, as applicable. Please note that a formal request is required through your event registration, and we cannot guarantee appearance at events by Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada representatives.

  • Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s informational material, including brochures and/or posters
  • A letter in support of the event
  • Provide the special event logo to show support for your event from Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
  • Your event listed in the online Events Calendar and shared with the brain tumour community via social media (Facebook and Twitter). This listing will include a link to your event’s website or Facebook page
  • We can help you create a dedicated online fundraising page
  • We can offer a pledge form template
  • Please contact us if there are other ways that Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada may be able to support your event

Promote Your Event

Whether your event is large or small, reaching people who are interested in the cause or the type of event you are hosting will help boost your attendance and participation.

A few tips to help promote your event are:

  • Determine who your target audience is and market your event to them
  • Flyers, posters, brochures, social media are all great marketing tools for raising awareness about your event
  • Many communities have community newspapers, bulletin boards etc., where events can be posted or announced free of charge, seek those out and use them as often as you can
  • Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is happy to supply you with printed material like brochures, so please do not hesitate to contact us
  • Remember that Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada must approve all printed materials and logo use, and we reserve the right to change the use of our logo to ensure appropriate representation

Submit the Proceeds

Please submit your funds to Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada no later than 60 days after your event.
Use the gift remittance form provided by Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. Include all contact information including the donor’s full address (together with the postal code) and name.

  • Clearly indicate the donation amount
  • Clearly indicate the method of payment
  • Submit pledge forms where applicable

Thank Supporters

After your event is over, one of the most important steps to complete it is to make sure you thank all who were involved for their support.

  • Acknowledge everyone who participated in your event
  • Let them know how much was raised
  • Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada will be happy to help you recognize key volunteers, participants or sponsors

Evaluate your event

Evaluate your event with your committee by considering the following questions (this step will be especially helpful if the event will be repeated):

  • Did the event go as planned?
  • Did we achieve our goals?
  • Where did we come across any barriers?
  • Where could we improve?

Share Your Success!

Please send us pictures and a brief description of your recent event and we will share your success with the brain tumour community.

By telling us about your success and how much fun you had, you will inspire others to help the brain tumour community.

Please submit details to Eileen at


Tom presents the proceeds of his Community Event

Thank you! Help for Canadians affected by a brain tumour is made possible by the generosity of people like you.