Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s Guide to Grief
We all experience change, and as our community knows, nothing changes your view on life more than being diagnosed with a brain tumour. With this change comes feelings of grief. We grieve the “normal days”, or our “normal selves”, with our “normal jobs”. We know what our mind and bodies are capable of, and one day that all that changes. We experience a seizure, unrelenting headaches, or vertigo, we receive a diagnosis, and we experience grief. Grief can be scattered, complicated, angry, avoided, frightening, and even denied. These are all common reactions to what you are experiencing. Understanding grief, being able to talk about it, and knowing how to support others who are grieving can make a difference in your own emotional and physical healing.
Whether you find joining a support group helpful or attending one of our community events, Brain Tumour Foundation is here to support anyone who has been impacted by a brain tumour diagnosis. For more information on our programming or events please see below:
- Support Groups: Support Groups – Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
- Private Facebook Support Groups (Available 24/7) – Learn more
- One-on One Emotional Support: One-on-One Support – Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
Below are a few additional supports that may be helpful:
Grief Supports for Children and Youth
National Alliance for Grieving Children: https://childrengrieve.org/
KidsGrief.ca- https://kidsgrief.ca/
Children and Youth Grief Network: https://www.childrenandyouthgriefnetwork.com/
Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Centre: https://drjaychildrensgriefcentre.ca/
Heart House Hospice: https://hearthousehospice.com/
Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children: http://www.grievingchildrenlighthouse.org/index.php
Rainbows – Guiding Kids Through Life’s Storms: https://rainbows.org/
Canadian Alliance for Grieving Children: https://grievingchildrencanada.org/
Grief Supports for Adults and Families
Canadian Virtual Hospice: http://stage.virtualhospice.ca/en_US/Main+Site+Navigation/Home.aspx
MyGrief.ca: https://www.mygrief.ca/
AfterTalk: https://www.aftertalk.com/
British Columbia Bereavement Helpline: https://www.bcbh.ca/pages.php?pID=20
Bereaved Families of Ontario: http://bfolondon.ca/helping-the-bereaved/
What’s Your Grief? https://whatsyourgrief.com/
We hope that these resources are helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call and we will do our very best to support you and your family.