Rising to the challenge of changing times for our 2020 walk
We could not have predicted the circumstances leading to our first Virtual Brain Tumour Walk, but the support we received from more than 3,600 walkers was more than we could have hoped for.
Because of your unwavering support, we’ve reached an incredible $1.1 million with donations still coming in. Your generosity has beaten all expectations, and will allow us to continue our commitment to providing you with emotional support, credible information, empowering education and hope through the funding of brain tumour research.
To everyone who tuned in to our opening ceremonies, thank you for sharing our moments of celebration and solemnity. Thank you as well to our wonderful host, Alan Cross, for getting us ready to head out.
This year was different, there is no doubt about that. To everyone who was hoping to physically get together with other survivors, families, and caregivers affected by brain tumours – we appreciate your sacrifice.
In a year where it seems like everything that could go wrong did, we do what we can to support our community… Even if that means changing everything.
We have taken so much heart and inspiration from your many, MANY posts using the hashtag #VirtualBrainTumourWalk on June 27. Seeing all of you, from all parts of the country walking, smiling, being together with friends and family – it was incredible.
We could feel the love with each shared comment, like and post you made. So did Al’s Flower Pouch by A.M.A. Horticulture, who will be donating $5,000 to Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada.
You led by example, showing us and the entire country that people care – that nobody needs to suffer in silence.
Thank you Canada.