Youth Education Award Recipient Q&A with Will Frassinelli
As we make our way into another exciting month, we would like to take this opportunity to feature Will Frassinelli, one of our previous Youth Education Award recipients and give an update to his story. With this being the 10th year of our Youth Education Award program, we wanted to take this special moment to showcase our winners and share their journeys.
The aim of the program is to help young brain tumour survivors achieve their dreams through post-secondary education. We had the opportunity to interview Will, one of our Youth Education Awards recipients, to learn more about his journey and share how this award has impacted his life.
1. How did you feel when you first heard the words “you have a brain tumour?”
The very first time I was diagnosed, I was only 2, so I have no memory of a reaction. When I was 10, I was re-diagnosed, and I was completely shocked because I was told that there was told that there was a very slim changes that my tumour would recur. I was felt sad and defeated, knowing I was going into a chemotherapy protocol for upwards of a year and a half.
2. How did you feel about going to post secondary education?
I was definitely excited and nervous at the same time. It was a completely different experience from high school, but I was ready for the challenge. My school was very understanding about my health history and allowed me to have quiet spaces to take tests, etc.
3. How did receiving this award help you get to where you are today?
Receiving this award allowed me to fully enjoy my postsecondary experience, without worrying about mounting debt. Since stress can be a trigger for me, not having a financial burden permitted me to focus on my academics, as well as making new friends and contacts. I also felt so honoured and grateful to have been so supported by the Brain Tumour Foundation in my endeavours.
4. Tell us what progress you have had since receiving this award? (Finished school, got a job, got married etc.)
I graduated from my program in 2021, and right now, I am working as an assistant pro shop manager at Fanshawe Golf Course. I am off work currently, as we are in the off season for golf, but I am already excited about getting back to work at the beginning of March.
5. This is our 10th year of providing this award. What would you say to others eligible and considering applying?
I would encourage them to apply because not only is the financial benefit outstanding, the opportunity to represent brain tumour survivors inspires other survivors, who perhaps at one time or another, couldn’t imagine making the leap into postsecondary studies.
We would like to give another big congratulations to Will for receiving the Youth Education Award!
To learn more about our Youth Education Awards, please visit this page.