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Volunteers make a difference in the lives of brain tumour patients and families, every day.


Current Volunteer Opportunities


Brain Tumour Walk

Day of Volunteers – Flagship Walks

We need enthusiastic volunteers to help make our Brain Tumour Walks a success. As a day-of volunteer, you’ll play a key role in creating a smooth and inspiring event by helping with setup, registration, cheering on participants, and more. No experience is needed—just a passion for supporting a great cause!

Sign Up


Brainwave Committee Members
  • Calgary – 4 required
  • Edmonton – 2 required

For all inquiries, please email with the position title in the subject line.


Committee Member

Description of Duties:

The Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is looking for volunteers to join our pediatric support program. Brainwave is a support program for families with a child (19 years of age or younger) with a brain tumour, offering the opportunity to connect with other families in a similar situation and to obtain much-needed support, information and education. Volunteers in this role sit on a committee to help plan 2-3 in-person events a year. Aspects of the role include finding suitable events and programs for our brain tumour community and engaging companies or organizations to collaborate with. Members are also encouraged to attend the events planned.  Volunteers should anticipate committing about 5-7 hours a month with more frequent meetings closer to the event. Zoom meetings with the rest of the committee are held approximately once a month.

Time Commitment:

5-7 hours per month with more frequent meetings closer to the event.

Commitment is flexible based on your own schedule.


Volunteers make a difference

Thank you to each and every volunteer who contributes to the effort to find the cause of and a cure for brain tumours – and to improve the quality of life for those affected. Everything that you do makes a difference in the lives of patients and families, every day. Please see our 2023 Volunteer Award Winners below.

Volunteer Award Winners