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Supportive Care Services

Learn more about Advanced Care Planning, Palliative Care, MAiD, free Will service, and tips to cope with grief.

Advanced Care Planning

The process of thinking about and discussing personal values and health care options, and communicating those thoughts and wishes to your health care team and people important to speak for you. It also involves choosing a ‘substitute decision-maker’ someone to speak for you and direct your health care, if you become unable to speak for yourself.

End of Life Conversation Guide

Palliative Care

The aim of palliative care is promote well-being and optimize quality of life while living with serious illness. Many people have fears or doubts about palliative care, based on misunderstandings of what it means. People living with high-risk or progressive brain tumours often benefit from receiving concurrent cancer-directed treatments and palliative care services. Care is guided by you, your wishes, and what is important to your family, culture and community. The key elements of care are to minimize suffering, maintain dignity, and support you and your family over the weeks, months, or sometimes years ahead.


MAiD is a legal medical service in Canada, whereby physicians or nurse practitioners (in provinces where this is allowed) help eligible patients fulfil their wishes to end their suffering.

With recent changes to the Criminal Code, Canadians can ask for medical assistance in dying. You must meet certain conditions in order to be eligible for this assistance. Physicians, nurse practitioners and other people who are directly involved must follow:

The Government of Canada provides more information about medical assistance in dying.

Free Will Service

Creating a Will shouldn’t have to be complicated.

We have partnered with Willfora, allowing you to create a legal Will online in approximately 20 minutes, at no cost to you. There is no obligation to leave a bequest to Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. Your documents can also be updated throughout your life as needed at no additional cost.

Start your Will now

Please note that this service is not currently available to those in the Territories, Quebec, nor is it available in French.


It is normal to feel a mix of emotions during bereavement. Feelings of grief can come up at unexpected times and families often feel intense emotional pain, loneliness and a loss of purpose. You may also experience a sense of relief knowing that your loved one is no longer suffering. Everyone grieves differently and the time needed for everyone will be different too. There are grief programs available and it may also help to speak to a grief counsellor.

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