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Working with Your Health Care Team

In the days, weeks, and months ahead you will meet many health care providers, including neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, nurses, social workers, and more.

The relationship between patients and health care providers is a key component in your care experience. As in any relationship, both parties must commit to its success.

Ask Questions

Be organized for your appointments, by writing your questions beforehand and information learned during your appointments for future reference.

It’s a good idea to bring a friend or family member with you to every appointment so they can ask questions on your behalf and help remember the answers.

Some questions to ask might include:

  • What type of brain tumour do I have?
  • What is the grade of the tumour?
  • What are my treatment options, their benefits and risks?
  • Are there any clinical trials that would be relevant for me?
  • What are my next steps?

Advocating for Yourself

Always remember that while your health care team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible care, you and your family are your best advocates. No one knows better than you how you feel and what your needs are.